Help to Grow
We can work with you on a wide range of topics to get the support you need to grow.
How We Can Help
We're able to work with you on a wide range of topics including fundraising, employment issues and establishing ways of monitoring your work. We are able to offer a more intensive service working with your organisation over a longer period of time to help you work through a wide range of development issues.
Helpful Information
Strong financial management systems are an important key to success in any organisation. Our Community Accountancy Service aims to help local voluntary organisations improve their accounting systems and records. We can offer a range of different kinds of support to help you get on top of financial management.
One to One Advice Sessions
These are available to anyone involved in running an organisation’s finances. We can help with setting up financial policies and procedures, keeping proper books and records, reporting to the committee, computerising accounts and complying with statutory and funder requirements.
Group Training Courses
In addition to the one to one training we also offer a range of financial training courses.
Financial Health Checks
Through partner organisations, we can conduct a thorough review of financial systems and make recommendations. An alternative to this is the new Financial Feet Finder which is slightly less detailed than a full financial health check but will highlight areas of weakness.
We offer organisations a range of model policies that you can personalise to fit your own requirements.
These are designed to help organisations in formulating your own policies and procedures.
Please note when using our policies that the personalised versions you produce need to go to your trustees for approval. Once adopted they need to be integral to the day to day working of your organisation. It is good practice to revisit policies every few years and update them for factual and legal changes and to reflect any developments in good practice.
Model budgeting policy Model business ethics and anti bribery policy Model complaints checklist Model complaints notice Model complaints policy and procedure Model computer policy Model confidentiality policy Model conflict of interest policy Model customer care policy Model data protection policy Model delegated authority policy Model diversity and equal opportunities policy Model employee volunteering policy and procedure Model environmental policy Model expenses claim | Model financial control policy Model harassment and bullying policy Model health and safety policy Model leave policy Model recruitment and selection policy Model register of interests Model reserves policy Model social media policy Model staff and volunteer supervision record Model staff supervision policy Model staff training policy Model trustee code of conduct Model visual display units policy Model volunteer policy Model whistle blowing policy Model working from home policy | |
To access any of the polices listed above, please email info@mertonconnected.co.uk.
We have a range of guidance documents on starting and managing a group.
Please bear with us as we begin the task of updating our branding on the documents listed below.
My Community Starter is a useful resource for people who want to get involved in organising smaller, straightforward community activities
provides a wide range of support and advice services for voluntary organisations covering a wide range of subjects including governance and trusteeship
The Charity Commission provides advice and information on running charities, including information on how to manage money and accounts
Superhighways is an ICT support and development project, run by and for the voluntary and community sector and based in South London
Sandy Adirondack
runs the invaluable site on legal updates for voluntary organisations
(which also runs some of the other services listed here) provides a wide range of support and advice services for voluntary organisation
Setting up a Social Enterprise
If you want to set up a business that helps people or communities and has social, charitable or community-based objectives, this link outlines the different organisation types you can establish.
Please note that we cannot take any responsibility for the services or information offered by third parties.
"Merton Connected offers Focus-4-1 valuable advice, support, facilities, access to resources, advice on governance issues and training. This is extremely important for the development of our organisation and continues to increase our value and productivity."